Command-Line Options in box alter behavior of box for its runtime. Using these options shape your build and suit it for use in many group environments.

In the documentation below, each long option is in the heading with the short option (if any) in parentheses.


box repl or box shell will initiate REPL mode, a line-by-line interpreter with instant results.

Multi Mode

box multi will initiate multi-mode, which invokes multiple builds at the same time.

--help (-h) and --version (-v)

Show the help and version respectively.

--no-cache (-n)

Turn caching off, this forces a rebuild of all build plan steps. Note that this won't re-pull any pulled images.


$ box -n plan.rb

--omit (-o)

Omit a function or verb from the DSL. This removes all functionality of a specific mruby verb or function and causes a syntax error if encountered. This restricts certain operations in builds for teams or unprivileged scenarios.


$ cat >plan.rb <<EOF
from 'debian'
tag 'mydebian'
# boom - missing keyword or function from ruby
$ box -o tag plan.rb

--tag (-t)

Tag the last generated image with the provided value. If the tag fails, the build won't fail, but instead be untagged. However, box still exits non-zero to indicate the tag failed.


# starts a build with debian and retags the result as 'mydebian'
echo "from 'debian'" | box -t mydebian


Forcibly turn all tty operation/propagation off for this run. This will cause many programs to behave different specifically in run statements, and the pull animations for downloading will not be provided.

No TTY mode is the default when unix pipes are involved.


Force the TTY on even if it is off for some reason.

The combination of --no-tty --force-tty is to force the tty.