
Use the shell

If you want to try out box quickly, you can use the shell interface, AKA repl (read-eval-print loop):

$ box repl
# or
$ box shell

This video gives a quick demo of the shell:

With a Plan

The commandline tool box accepts a file (your "build plan") as a commandline argument:

$ box myplan.rb

The current working directory that Box runs in is very important, it is the jumping-off point for most copy operations. If you run the box-builder/box container, you may wish to run it in this way:

$ docker run -i \
  -v $PWD:$PWD \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -w $PWD \
  box-builder/box:latest myplan.rb

For additional flags and functionality, see the help:

$ box --help

With Multiple Plans

To initiate multi-plan builds (where all builds are done at the same time) just invoke box multi and specify all the plans you want, e.g.:

$ box multi *.rb

Which will build all the .rb files in the current dir.

Note: it is important to use the tag verb to avoid losing track of your images!

Making Box Plans

Box plans are written in mruby, an embedded, smaller variant of ruby. If you are new to ruby, here is a tutorial that only covers the basics You will not need to be an advanced ruby user to leverage Box.

Box plan terms are either functions or verbs.

Verbs typically create a layer and are meant to run at the top level of the plan; they are not intended to return a sane value other than success/fail. Operations like run and copy fit into the "verb" category. These are very similar to the verbs you'd find in docker build.

Functions are unique to Box and allow you to pass data both from the image into the build system and pass it to other calls, or just print it out for later use. Functions like getuid exist to retrieve the UID of a user as the container sees it, for the purposes of using it for future operations.

Please take a look at our verbs reference and functions reference for more information.

Example Box Plan

Here's a basic example that downloads the newest (1.7.3) version of golang with curl and unpacks it. If you set an environment variable called GO_VERSION, it will use that version instead.

from "debian"

run "apt-get update"
run "apt-get install curl -y"

go_version = getenv("GO_VERSION")

if go_version.empty?
  go_version = "1.7.3"

url = "{go_version}.linux-amd64.tar.gz"

run "curl -sSL '#{url}' | tar -xvz -C /usr/local"

Ignoring files

Just like Docker, if a .dockerignore file exists, the patterns, filenames, and directories specified in this file will be ignored from all copy operations.

The copy verb also has additional functionality to scope ignore rules down to specific copy statements.

The Build Cache

The build cache is enabled by default. It is not an exact cache but constructs the layer graph in a non-standard way using docker's image Comment field, populating it with sums and command instructions in a very similar way that docker build does.

If you find the behavior surprising, you can turn it off:

$ box --no-cache myplan.rb

Example Box Plan (advanced version)

This is the Box plan we use to build Box itself. It uses many of its features. Be sure to check the verbs to refer to different constructs used in the file.

You can find the latest version of it here too.

from "golang"

skip do
  DOCKER_VERSION = "1.12.4"

  PACKAGES = %w[

  workdir "/"

  qq = getenv("CI_BUILD") != "" ? "-qq" : ""

  run "apt-get update #{qq}"
  run "apt-get install -y #{qq} #{PACKAGES.join(" ")}"
  env "GOPATH" => "/go"

  docker_path = "docker-#{DOCKER_VERSION}.tgz"
  run "wget -q{docker_path}"
  run "tar -xpf #{docker_path} --strip-components=1 -C /usr/bin/"
  run "rm #{docker_path}"
  copy "dind", "/dind"

  run "pip -q install mkdocs mkdocs-bootswatch"

  copy ".", "/go/src/"
  run "cd /go/src/ && make clean install"

  workdir "/go/src/"
  set_exec entrypoint: ["/dind"], cmd: ["make", "docker-test"]
  tag "box-test"

run "mv /go/bin/box /box"
set_exec entrypoint: ["/box"], cmd: []